graduated in 1968 from the
“Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos”, Lima. His first
job in the oil industry was with International Petroleum Co. in
1969 that later changed to PetroPeru where he worked until
1975 as an exploration geologist in the Talara, Progreso,
Sechura and Lancones Basin as well as in the Maranon Basin
early exploration stages. In 1977 he got a MS degree at the
Northern Illinois University and in 1980 he got a PhD at the
Louisiana State University. In 1980 he started working in Gulf
Oil Co. mostly in projects in South America as well as in
Australia and Papua Guinea and later he moved to work in
Chevron International (COPI)as a Regional Geologist initially
in the Ecuadorian and Argentina’s Exploration bid round and
later in Sudan, Chad and Central Africa Republic. In 1988 he
moved to Amoco Oil Co. where he worked in Mexico and
Central America (Guatemala/Costa Rica) and most of the
Subandean foreland Basins as well as the fore-arc basins
searching for some Monterrey-type plays. From 1999, he has
been working as consulting geologists for multiple Oil
Companies and in 2004 was hired by PDVSA as a permanent
consulting geologist where he had the opportunity to work
in most of the Venezuelan oil basins. In 2010 was transferred
to Quito Ecuador, where he worked in the evaluation of the
Ecuadorian Forearc basins as well as in evaluating the las
exploration bid round in the sur Oriente of Ecuador, where he
was para of the team that made a comprehensive proposal
to explore and develop stranded marginal medium API oil
reserves with possible heavy oil prospects. Recently he has
been carrying fieldwork and interpreting the Subandean fold
and thrust belt in Peru from Madre de Dios to Ucayali. He has
published multiple articles on oil basins as well as the Andes